Online Messaging - Telephone & Email Support
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Sometimes, just the act of venting is helpful. Counselling provides a safe haven for precisely that kind of free-ranging release - Laura Wasser

Online Chat & Counselling

Support Services & Forums



Opening Hours


Mental Health Crisis Lines for support, referals and help

24 Hours - 7 Days

ACT 1800 629 354
NSW 1800 011 511
NT 1800 682 288
QLD 1300 642 255
SA 13 14 65
TAS 1800 322 388
VIC 1300 874 243
WA 1300 555 788

National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service

24 Hours - 7 Days

1800 737 732

Anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals with issues around family violence & relationships

Monday to Friday
8am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday
10am to 3pm

1300 766 491

Telephone counselling service, live online chat or email

24 Hours - 7 Days

1800 858 858

Short-term support for people who are overwhelmed or are having difficulty coping. Confidential one-to-one Lifeline Online Crisis Supporter

Phone Chat
24 Hours - 7 Days
Online Chat
7pm - Midnight

13 11 14

Kids Helpline Counsellors are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for young people and teens between the ages of 5 - 25 years for either phone or online chat services

1800 55 1800

Counselling Online offers Free Drug & Alcohol Counselling 24/7 including email support, online text-based counselling, self-assessments & self-help modules. SMS support

24 Hours - 7 Days

National Alcohol & Other Drug Hotline
1800 250 015

Provide professional, confidential service & support to all current and ex-serving ADF Australian Defence Force members and their families

24 Hours - 7 Days

1800 011 046

Carer Support Officers offer emotional support, referrals, resources and information, and a safe place to express feelings

Monday to Friday
9am – 5pm

1800 242 636

National Helpline for individuals and their families to help support recovery from perinatal anxiety and depression

Monday to Friday
9am – 7.30pm

1300 726 306

Support for Eating Disorder and Body Image Issues. Information, counselling, and guidance on treatment options

8am – midnight
7 days

1800 334 673

Offers a confidential telephone counselling, information & referral service for parents of children 0 - 18 years in NSW

Monday - Friday
9am - 9pm
4pm - 9pm

1300 130 052

Beyond Blue has information for adolescents and young adults on depression and anxiety They provide a 24 hour telephone and online-chat service

24 Hours - 7 Days

1300 224 636

Safe and Secure Phone or Video appointments in the comfort and privacy of your home

Monday to Friday
8.00am - 5.30pm

1300 673 664

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter. Crisis support to yarn with you without judgement and provide a confidential, culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns

24 Hours - 7 Days

13 92 76