Disaster Welfare Assistance Line
1800 018 444

Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 4:30pm

" If we seek the strenght to climb high enough, we can reach a height from which the heartache of loss is replaced by hope " - Local Heart

Crisis Payments

National & State Support Services



Opening Hours


Vinnies NSW may be able to help with disaster assistance and support from: Drought, Bushfire and Floods in your area

24 hours / 7 days

13 18 12

The Salvation Army Disasters Assistance service is available to all those people and communities affected in any state or territory across Australia. Financial assistance, Emotional support and Referrals to other support services

24 hours / 7 days

1300 662 217

Natural Disaster Relief, immediate hardship grants, Temporary accommodation grant, Household goods replacement, Essential household repairs & Freight Subsidy Disaster Assistance