Lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. 
Barack Obama

Mental Health

State Support Services



Opening Hours


Mental Health Crisis Lines for support, referrals and help now

24 Hours - 7 Days

ACT 1800 629 354
NSW 1800 011 511
NT 1800 682 288
QLD 1300 642 255
SA 13 14 65
TAS 1800 322 388
VIC 1300 874 243
WA 1300 555 788

If you need immediate support contact the counselling teams

24 hrs - 7 days

1300 659 467

Talk to a mental health professionals for help, support and advice.

Monday to Friday

1800 187 263

Search for information, tools and services on Mental Health

24 hrs - 7 days

For those who suffer psychological & physical health after experiencing abuse or trauma in childhood

Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm

1300 657 380
02 8920 3611

Counselling & support for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse

Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm

1800 737 377

PANDA offers Australia-wide counselling, support & information for people affected by pregnancy and after birth, anxiety and depression

Monday to Friday
9am - 7.30pm

1300 726 306

FREE online services for people experiencing mental distress, to help you address your needs through self-assessment, self-help and online professional support

Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm

Use this site to locate qualified psychologists in your areas. Rural and remote mental health practitioners

Monday to Friday
8.45am to 5.15pm

1800 333 497

The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life

24 hrs / 7 days