Lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

"Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself, your strengths & limitations, instead of depending on affirmation from others." - Judith M. Bardwick

Domestic & Family Violence

National Support Services



Opening Hours


Support services for women experiencing domestic and family violence. Information, court advocacy, Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVO) and referrals.​

Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm

Legal Aid
1300 888 529

DV Legal Help
1300 979 529

1800 938 227
Enter postcode

24 hrs - 7 days
Text 6pm - 10pm
7 days a week​

13 11 14
Text 0477 13 11 14

Understand your rights, and what you can do if you have been sexually assaulted, harassed or raped. Online Chat 24/7 or Video Call Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

24 hrs - 7 days

1800 737 732

Text 0458 737 732

Women's & children's advocacy support
Counselling for individuals
Women's support groups
Men's Behavior Change programs
Children's and adolescent support groups
Family relationship services
No Interest Loans

24 hrs - 7 days

1300 275 227

Legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women for domestic violence, sexual assault and victim’s support
Evening Telephone Advice Service:
Tuesday evenings between 6 pm to 8 pm.

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
10 am - 12.30pm

1800 639 784
(02) 8745 6977

Support to victims of crime and families.
Promote victims rights, Provide counselling and Financial Support

Monday to Friday
8am - 6pm

1800 633 063