eSafety for Kids - Online advice for being a esafety kid and these esafety resources can help. - esafety commissioner
When Your Parent Has a Mental Illness - Online Booklet for helping teenagers cope when they have a parent with mental illness - COPMI Children of Parents with a Mental Illness
The Brave Program - This program is online and interactive to help with the treatment and prevention of anxiety in childhood and adolesance, from 3 - 17 years
Drug & Alcohol Information - Factsheets, Booklets, Resources, Viideos, Games, Webinars and Recommened Programs - Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander - Cultrually & Lingusically Divers - Positive Choices
Digital Mental Health for Tertiary Students - Crisis and Counselling Support, Useful Programs and Websites, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Resources & Apps - E-mental Health In Practice
Mental Health Directory - A downloadable or printable handout for children and adolescents, which includes electronic resources, mental health programes & contact details for mental health services in Sydney and regional NSW.
Smiling Mind App - A web-based / app-based program that includes mindfulness & meditation programs to help young people in deal with daily pressure, stress and challenges - Smiling Mind
Stop, Breath & Think App - This App is designed to help you feel calm and have peace of mind through regular practice & short guided meditations - Stop, Breathe & Think
The BRAVE Program - A free interactive, online program for 3-17 year olds to help with the prevention & treatment of childhood & adolescent anxiety and worries - Brave4you
Reach Out - A mobile friendly youth mental health service, online support program with information topics to search - Reach Out
Reach Out Tools & Apps - Mobile friendly Apps, Tools & Quizes to help young people look after their health and wellbeing - Reach Out
ReachOut Community Forums - A safe space for young people to discuss topics with each other, related to their mental health, wellbeing and life. Connect with others and reducing isolation - ReachOut
Kids Helpline Tools & Apps - Various free downloadable Apps from the App Store or Google Play. Subjects include Mental Health & Meditation, Money Help & Personal Safety Apps. Drug Use, Quit Now, Pregnacy, Sex & Fitness Apps - Kids Helpline
Youth Health Factsheets - A range of factsheets on mental health issues - Care In Mind Orygen
Digital Mental Health Resources for Young People - Apps, Crisis Support, Counselling Support, Useful Programs & Websites - E-mental Health In Practice
Bullying Factsheet - What is Bullying ? factsheet - Beyond Blue