Today is World Understanding and Peace Day
Rotary International’s 114th Anniversary
Here is a little snippet from the Rotary Action Group for Peace
History of World Understanding and Peace Day
This event was established to mark the anniversary of the Rotary International, a non-profit organization made up of people who are dedicated to taking action and promoting change for the good.
The humanitarian organization that would go on to become Rotary International was founded in 1905 through the efforts of an Illinois attorney, Paul Harris, along with a few friends.
Their gathering was founded along the theme of “fellowship and friendship” and very soon their purpose became to take on service projects that would meet the needs of the people in their city and their world.
World Understanding and Peace Day continues along this theme of fellowship and friendship, recognizing that these aspects of relationship lead to understanding – which ultimately works to foster peace.
Today, Rotary International clubs on all sorts of service projects in the 200 countries where their more than 1.4 million members are located. This day is one that is meant to bring these volunteers together with one purpose and heart.
# World Peace and Understanding Day – Rotarian Action Group for Peace