Dealing with Peer Pressure - What Is Peer Pressure?, Peer Pressure and Addiction, Dealing With Peer Pressure - Blue Creast Recovery Centre ( International Resource )
StandBy - Support after suicide - Free books, Support Packs, factsheets and resources to download- standBy
Facts Sheet and information on Mental Health for Yourself and Your Family - WayAhead - Mental Health Association NSW
SMALL STEPS - An Anxiety Awareness Guide For Parents from WayAhead - Mental Health Association NSW
SMILING MIND APP - A downloadable application tool developed by psychologists and educators for mindfullness, to help bring balance to your life.
Digital mental health resources - Search for digital mental health resources - Head to Health
Fact Sheets on Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, Stress & Bipolar Disoreders - The Black Dog Insitiute
Digital Mental Health Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - Apps, Crisis Support, Useful Programs and Websites - E-mental health in Practice
Digital Mental Health for Trauma - Symptoms of trauma, Self-Guided Programs, Phone and Online Counselling & Apps - E-mental Health in Practice>
Lifeline Toolkits & Factsheets - Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Life's Pressures, Gambling, Self Harm, Suicide Prevention, Substance Misuse, Grief, Loss or Sorrow - Lifeline
Quick relaxation techniques Factsheet - Muscle relaxation, breathing & tention release strategies for mental health- blackdoginstitute
Beyond Now Suicide Safety Plan - Assists you to create your own suicide prevention safety plan, to help keep you safe when experiencing suicidal thoughts - Beyond Blue ( Google Play Store )
Beyond Blue Online Forums - Beyond Blue Online forums are valuble platforms for community with others on topics such as ' Mental Health' , ' Caring for Yourself' , & ' People Like Me' - Beyond Blue
iBobbly Self-Help App - For young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged + 15. Wellbeing and suicide prevention - blackdoginstitute
The Brave Program - This program is online and interactive to help with the treatment and prevention of anxiety in childhood and adolesance, from 3 - 17 years
Mental Health Resources & Information - Apps, Crisis Support, Self Help Programs, Information Sites, Therapist Assisted Programs, Sites for Specific Issues- E-menatl Health in Practice
My Circle - A 4-week program to help support young people 13 - 25 with issues managing well-being, distress and worry. A go-to online peer support group. - Kids Helpline
Powerful Self Healing in 5 Simple Steps - Self Help Course - Easy self help steps & actions everyone can overlay on their existing routine to achieve better health & happiness - Udemy - Free Courses
FearTools - Anxiety Aid - Helps with feelings of anxiety and those suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, and Social Anxiety Disorder - MoodTools ( Google Play Store )
The Anxiety E-Book - Helps with information on some of the causes of anxiety, and how to begin addressing them. Includes helpful information on anxiety - Personal Development School
Depression Self-Help Guide - Learn to control strees that contributes toward depression. Contains a depression severity test, audios, articles, cognitive diary, and a motivational points system - Excel At Life ( Google Play Store )
Self Help for Trauma Apps to download - The Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) is a self-help method and First Aid technique everybody can use. Tools for people stressed from everyday life, survivors of domestic or sexual abuse & natural catastrophes - HL Web ( Google Play Store )
Reflect - Journal, Daily guided self reflection App to download - Ways to find calmness and meaning in your everyday life, through self reflection. Connect with yourself and clear your mind - Ensparkle OOD ( Google Play Store )
ThinkUp - Positive Affirmations, Daily Motivation - Build your own self improvement program to develop the mindset and motivation you need to succeed - Precise Wellness LLC ( Google Play Store )
Action For Happiness - A daily companion for a happier life. Receive simple, daily action ideas designed to help you boost your own wellbeing and spread more happiness to others - Action for Happiness ( Google Play Store )
Boost Your Self Confidence - Strategies to help you become more confident in yourself - Smart Goal Training ( Google Play Store )
Positive Thinking Strategies - Think positive. Be a positive person all the time and motivate yourself. Spread positive energy and reap its benefits - Smart Goal Training ( Google Play Store )
The Power of Self-Discipline - This guide will teach you the fundamental skills needed to attain full control of your mind, body and spirit, build mental strength, stop making excuses, resist temptations and reach your goals - Free Mobile Apps Online ( Google Play Store )
Anxiety & Depression Factsheets & Information - Download here PANDA’s free resource factsheets on anxiety & depression for all new parents - Panda