Tenants Union NSW – Get advice, Tenancy information and link to local services - https://www.tenants.org.au/
Tenants QLD – Provides free statewide advice resources and factsheets for all tenants and residents - Tenants Queensland
Housing Victoria – Forms and guides available to download to assist you with your housing needs - Housing Victoria
The NT Tenants’ Advice Service – Downloadable factsheets and Community-based advice / advocacy service for residential tenants. - Darwin Community Legal Service
The Tenants’ Union of Tasmania – Telephone and online advice, Legal Representation, Education and training for groups & downloadable factsheets - Tenants Union of Tasmania
Tenancy WA – Downloadable factsheets and help with tenancy problems in private, public, community , van park or boarding houses - Tenancy WA
Tenancy Advice Service ACT – Tenancy advice line, Live chat and Financial Counselling Service. Downloadbale factsheets & sample letters - Division of Legal Aid ACT
The South Australian Tenants' Information and Advisory Service (TIAS) – Helping people renting in public, private, housing co-ops, rooming & boarding or community housing issues .- Housing South Australia
Application for Housing Assistance – Housing Pathways NSW
Application Person Information for Housing Assistance – Use this form for each additional person to be housed with you - Housing Pathways NSW
Medical Assessment DH3008 – This form is for your Medical Practitioner (GP) to fill out, to determine the type of housing you are eligible for, due to medical conditions of yourself or other applicants - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for Housing Rentstart - Part A- Bond Loan Application DH3049A – Use for applying for a Rentstart Bond Loan - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for Housing Rentstart - Part B- Additional Persons DH3049B – Used for additional people over the age of 18 years - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for Housing Rentstart - Part C- Property Information DH3049C – This form is for the Real Estate Agent or Property Owner associated with the property you are applying for - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for Housing Rentstart - Part D- Income from Employment DH3049D – This form is for your Employer and added to your application - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for Housing Rentstart - Part E- Rentstart Bond Loan Agreement DH3049E – This form outlines the terms & conditions of your Bond Loan - Housing Pathways NSW
Tenancy Guarantee Supplement DH3005 – A tenancy guarantee is a pool of funds up to the value of $1500 to help supplement rental arrears or property damage to landlords & helps tenants build a tenancy history - Housing Pathways NSW
Application for water allowance DH0100 – This form is an application for a water allowance if a housing tenant has a health condition or disability, that requires the use of extra water - Housing Pathways NSW
Residential Tenancies Act – Tenancies Lesislation Laws and Facts - Government ACT